AstroCosmic Healing

Manuastro blog

AstroCosmic Healing

Astrology is one of the divine ancient and proven science which is just like a mirror or a torch which tells you ‘what is ahead when it is dark’ just like the future is dark which cannot be seen normally. People don’t know what can happen next? What is best time to do anything? Which profession will be good to get job satisfaction? Or which career to chose to succeed most? Whether the relation where you are currently engaged is good to go ahead? And so on.. Of course, our ‘Karma’ really makes a difference but Astrology tells where to put your ‘Karma’ means which field? Which direction? And at what time? So that you can succeed. Apart for those people who generally say that “I don’t believe in Astrology and all and I am a practical man”, we have a simple question; Whether you decided where will you born? Who will be your parents? What will be your skin color, hair color, voice type and so on? Answer is simply “No”. So, karma is important. Being practical is good but it is not true everywhere and at all times. Your past Karma (The Prarabdha) has decided your current birth and all what have you received by birth. Otherwise why someone is born in a slum with minimal resources, even being innocent to be aware of the reason of his borth there and someone is born with a golden spoon. So, Astrology can only tell you all such answers and we can answer your unanswered questions to help you belief and practice this science for even better results than what you are getting now! So, experience the transformation...and book appointment NOW!

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manu gupta

Manu Gupta

Er. Manu Gupta (An IIM Ahmedabad Alumnus), Founder & CEO - MANUASTRO LLP. 15+ Years Of Experience In Astrology, Vaastu & other Occult Sciences